Thursday 21 July 2011

Alberts Farm Spring Fare

3 September 2011
09:00 to 16:00
A Community Fun Day with fabulous music, delicious food, stalls brimming with art, craft, pickles, jams, organic vegetables, home-made sweets, jewellery, clothing, a kite flying competition, jumping castle, great entertainment for the entire community!
Entrance to the Park is in 8th Street, corner 6th Road West, Greymont.
There is no charge but we do ask you to add 20% to your price, as a donation to the Friends of Alberts Farm.  We work on trust.
Please bring your own table, chair, umbrella or gazebo, easels, etc. 
Set up from 06:00
To book a stall please contact
Co-ordinator of the fair
The Friends of Alberts Farm

It's the first time i'll be going but I hear it's good fun so bring the family and introduce yourself to your community.

Monday 18 July 2011

Mandela 67 Minutes

Well, I wonder if it's just us stupid Law abiding citizens that do these charitable outings. Today I decided that for Mandela day, I would spend my morning picking up rubbish in the Carel Venter Park (of which there is a hell of a lot to pick up). I spent over an hour doing this while several hobos and park strollers dotted past, not once offering any help (great Community we live in) At least on Guy who was eating his food right next to a huge pile of rubbish felt at home, he left his rubbish on the floor even after being asked to start using the bins.

I counted 20 Condom rappers that I picked up, some would say at least they are using condoms, I say get a room and some moral’s you sick people. I wonder how many woman where actually consenting to have sex under those romantic circumstances or how many where rape victims in our dark parks. Hello Police something to look into, yes that’s right we have vagrants in our parks after dark posing a major security and safety hazard. Plleeaaase start patrolling the green belt I have a map for you if you need it.

On a lighter Note, I got back from collecting the rubbish only to get my sister laws words that’s not your Job!

Imagine if we all thought like that, so go on do something for Mandela day even if it’s not for him, do it for your Community.

Oh yes Pick it up refused to take my Bags of Rubbish because they didn’t fit in my black bin.
Go figure!