Thursday 4 October 2012


Hi Greymonters

So much has happened over the past few weeks, we got a lawn mower, brush cutter and chain store for maintaining sidewalks and our lovely park.

The dam project is going well and the owl box is up but we are still waiting for Owls, the Bat hotel is also awaiting occupants.

We have our Meeting this Monday the 8th October 2012 so please join us...

And a big one, the WEBSITE for our area went live recently, I want to send a BIG thanks to Mark one of our residents who made it happen. WELL DONE!

I hope you still visit my thoughts from time to time.

Clive has been working like a Trojan getting every thing done with the forum, so if we can please help him in any way we can. It's really hard work and dealing with the city is like having nails pulled sometimes as our expectations and standards are far different from what the cities are.

Area Braai is coming up on the 13 October so please bring your meat and lets get to meet each other its the best way to curb Crime in the area is knowing your community and there problems and interests.

Hope to see you there.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Spring Fair 2012


1 September 2012
09:00 to 16:00
A Community Fun Day with fabulous music, delicious food, stalls brimming with art, craft, pickles, jams, organic vegetables, home-made sweets, jewellery, clothing, a kite flying competition, jumping castle, great entertainment for the entire community!
Entrance to the Park is in 8th Street, corner 6th Road West, Greymont

It's the first time i'll be going but I hear it's good fun so bring the family and introduce yourself to your community.

Crime In the area

Hi Greymonters

We have had a  spill over of crime from surrounding areas lately, the danger times are between 6 to 8 morning and Night. Mostly when people are coming home and leaving. There are motions to help prevent these incidents but most start with you the resident and lack of good security habits. Please be aware when travelling and report all suspicious activity to 10111 and the local security companies.

Also check alarms and discuss poor security with the neighbours as their bad security might put your home at risk. So help your Neighbour as it might help you in the end. You might have heard some incidents in the park lately where criminals where hiding from police and were caught, well done to Sector #3 Sophia town Police and Greymont patrols for keeping order. The park should be empty at night and anyone who is in ,it in the evenings should not be there and therefore should be reported.

We also have put out a call to invest in your homes and there maintenance and there improvement, if you do not invest in the place you stay it will bring bad elements into the area and your home will decrease in value. For example if there is a piece of paper on the floor already you are more likely to chuck one next to it.

If you don't want to invest and it's coming time to downscale your life, then think about Selling. The property in the area is getting really valuable and you could make a good profit from when you first moved in. There are agents in the area looking for the stock to sell.

You can contact the forum should you require any help with removal of bad tenants and help with your curb Maintenance.

Reminder that we have a new website launching soon so keep a eye out for that.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Greymont Park at 7am

One would think when they look out there window that they live on a golf estate, one of our residents just loves the look from his window now and sent us a picture of the view, lets make our area great, move whats not and pitch in as much as we can and before you know it, we Live in a clean operating and civilized area that people are dying to buy into.

Road Clean Up

Hi Greymonters

I hope you are all well and getting through winter, We had two of our guys clean up a street that leads between Carel Venter park and Alberts Farm, they did a great Job and we would like to thank them. Clive took some pics which are on this post, in some places they removed two meters of sand and grass that had built up over the years. Great work Greymont Residents Forum. Please Contribute, Greymont and this will be the best area in JHB.

A Big thank you to Pick It Up for the skip, it really help with our clean up projects.

Thursday 31 May 2012

Subs and Signs

Price is R40.00 each or free for each person who has paid up subs for the year.

Please can you contribute to the Forum, i'm sure you can see the differences in the area already and this is just the beginning. With more funding we can do so much more, without the aid of the city.

The subs are R50 a month (the price of a Hamburger these days) or R500 a year what a deal.

We welcome any suggestions on what you would like to see in the area.


Hi Greymonters

These are our new Sector 3 Executive Members, please help them in any way to cure the crime infection in our country and area, it's time to stand up and be bold against whats not right and to start correcting our decaying society.

When you see a problem report it and make a stand.

Good Luck crime Fighters you get a super hero Welcome.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Crash Boom Bang

Hi Greymonters

We had a speed demon show us how it's done this weekend. That's how to crash I mean, please tell people around you to take care we live with uneducated people around us and they seem to be still learning about  the laws of gravity and breaking distance.

Question of the day: why is it that people that drive fast and make the biggest noise with there cars drive the cheapest little runarounds and think they are sports cars, are they compensating for something?

Anyway be safe.

Pictures from one of our residents, thanks for them.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Picnic and New sign Boards

Hi Greymonters

Some Pics of whats happening in the area.


Greymont village

We have such a great area all it needs is a revamp so use this winter to upgrade your homes and maintain them, its amazing what paint does. Have a look at this site to get idea's on making your homes great.

If you can also point out to us homes that are in disrepair so we can find out why. Remember that we are trying to create the best area in Johannesburg so lets get going and start doing. This will encourage higher home prices as the area becomes more sought after.


Hi Greymonters

We had our CPF meeting last night and it was very nice to see the police taking a interest  in the "village" they are to be congratulated on their efforts. They have acquired two new quad bikes to start patrolling the parks dealing with vagrants and drug dealing in the parks,  which is welcome.

So please double check if it's a police bike in the park before calling the police to have the quad removed, they will be in uniform and the bikes are red with police markings.


Thursday 10 May 2012


Hi Greymonters

Please join us for a small bring and braai this Saturday between 11 and 2 on 5th street side in the Carel Venter park, instead of a meeting this month we hope to get to know each other even if it's just to say "Hi".

We will have a Braai going if you wish to bring some meat.

We also have some signs for residents to buy to show their support as a fund raiser, they are R40 each but the funds will be well used.

Hope to see you there.

Saturday 5 May 2012

New Signs in Greymont

Hi greymonters We have placed 3 signs so far in the area for direct communication with our residents, so please keep an eye out for the latest news. Lets create a awesome place to live.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Carel Venter Park Picnic 12 MAY 2012

Residents please join us in the Carel Venter park for a bring and braai picnic on the 12 May, i'm not sure on the times yet but there will be a post, All resident of Greymont are most welcome. Our hope is that we all get to meet one another and unite together for a better area to live in.

We can use this time to chat about your vision in the area. what what are the immediate needs for the area.

Please bring you own cool drinks and meat if you with to braai.

Also just a reminder on the bank account to use your name as reference or house address if you deposit money for our ledger of funds, remember it is completely transparent forum.

Resident Feed back Welcome

Hi Greymonters

We received a nice comment from a resident who is concerned about the communes popping up around the area.

 I totally agree with you and would be more than happy to sign the petition.  The property in question is already an eye sore and more people and traffic on the property will just contribute to further deterioration on that corner. The owner does nothing to uplift our community and area.  In fact that property has just deteriorated in the last year or so.  No attempt has been made to improve it at all.  I am thus totally against it legally becoming a Commune. 

I can already see a change in our suburb over the last few months due to all the work done.  We must thus be vigilant and not allow unwelcome elements to undo all the work done.  The Forum has my total support on this one!


Sunday 29 April 2012

Communes try to open in area

Hi Greymonters, it's come to our attention that a commune request has started through the legal route. We would like you feed back on this, we will also be coming around shortly with a petition to stop the first request as the residents around this particular house are against the proposal. A little info on communes, in first world countries they aren't such a bad thing because bylaws are normally adhered to and are enforced but in South Africa generally this is not the case. Communes normally host students or young adults for temporary period which result in a few problems, noise being a very common issue then foot traffic in the area increases often followed by noisy conversations and as you know most Greymont houses are right next to these roads and you hear everything, also house overcrowding becomes a huge issue as they start the process with the right amount of people then once they have the go ahead they start filling these houses up as people pay per person not per room in the end. Because the tenants are temporary and don't have a invested interest in the area and it's infrastructure the tend not to contribute to there surroundings and have a no care attitude. You will note a increase in house parties and a decease in house maintenance ending in area decay. Litter and house waste also drastically increase, Even a increase in crime in some situations. These commune trends have happened in areas like Brixton, Melville, and recently Westdene. Normally communes start in areas Close to universities and as our area does not fall in the area of a university I feel there are no grounds for such requests. To upgrade our area we need to focus on houses being sold not leased (if they are to single families) and invite people to take a personal investment approach in the area. Let's create a great area! These issues may not happen with one commune in the area but these communes tend to have a snow ball effect as they make a lot of money for there investors who by the way would have an issue with them if the opened in their area Which they reside. Imagine someone opening one in saxonworld it wouldn't happen so why should we let them happen here. Again these are just view so please comment.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Pond clean Up

Hi Greymonters

We had our pond clean up the past weekend, and managed to do quite a bit with our limited means. We have cut dead and drooping branches off trees, they where contributing to the leaf and stick problem in the dam, these leaves and sticks break down and become sediment in the pond which kills the oxygen and then no life can happen in the dam, only frogs and turtles which don't rely on the waters oxygen, we removed a lot of the vegetation which is over growing in the pond and we realized that its a large job and will have to be done over time. Autumn and winter is the best time to do this because of the slow growth so we would like to do more next month if you can help. Photos so far please see this area as a work in progress for the next few months....

Monday 9 April 2012

Recycle bags

Hi Greymonters

Clive has bags, orange and White should you need for recylcing.


These pics were taken some time ago by a resident, the show the kind of dumping that happens in the area, and the importance of booms in the parks. Please keep an eye out for people like this mand report them to Roland or Sofiatown Police station.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Garden sites for dumping

Herewith the COJ’s call centre’s number for all complaints :

(011) 375 5555, RESIDENTS can take the Pikitup option for all refuse related queries. 

Also list of alternative Garden Sites:  Operating times:  8h00 – 17h00 (Monday – Sunday, including Public Holidays)
Residents can of load all their garden waste, and recyclable material AT NO COST.

·         Victory Park Garden Site                                               Victory Rd, Greenside
·         Fairlands Garden site                                                     Fifth Ave, Fairlands
·         Ashanti Garden Site                                                        Ashanti Rd, Crossby
·         Bellona Garden Site                                                        Bellona Street, Mayfair
·         Disa Garden Site                                                               Disa Rd, Riverlea Ext 2
·         Babiana Garden Site                                                       Babiana Rd, Riverlea Ext 2
·         Ashburton Garden Site                                                 Ashburton Rd, Riverlea

Monday 2 April 2012

Photos of park over the years

Hi Greymonters

Below are pictures of the park over the last few years please 
note that some are old and it shows the decay of the lower part 
of the river in recent months. It also shows that the car Problem from
 years ago is still a problem today as there are often cars entering the
park which will be addressed soon via new Booms that are due to
 be installed please respect them once they have been installed and don't damage them.

It also shows the grass and how short it used to be back in the day of  correct money allocation.