Monday 26 March 2012

Minutes of the meeting

Hi Greymonters

Please contact Di on for minutes of the meeting if you don't get it. And Remember the next meeting is 2 April please be there at 6:30.

See you there.

Saturday 24 March 2012

Sunday morning walk in the Greymont park

So my dog and I went for a walk this morning in the park and I encourage as many families and dogs to do so, we stumbled upon city parks people working on a Sunday. This is really great besides a bit of noise they make so early, it was very refreshing to see things happening. We know the park lights aren't working and we are trying to get it sorted out.

Friday 16 March 2012

Picture this!

Wow, when you look at the pictures it really does show how hard people worked on the last clean up day. I just want people to take away a major sense of pride of what they did and i hope to see everyone again soon.

We had a meeting with City Parks management today with positive feedback and solid agreements forward, they are going to repair poles in park and put more bins in area with large amounts of rubbish. There are many other things that we discussed and will be filtered through when they become more of a reality

Monday 12 March 2012

Message from the Chairperson

Hi All

Hope you all had a great weekend !

This is just a short note to say a BIG thank you for all who participated in the clean- up of the stream in Carel Venter Park on Saturday. I know many of you who couldn’t make it because of other prior commitments would have loved to be there as well. Don’t worry there will definitely be a next time!!

There was approximately 40 of us residents who came to help with the clean up. We jointly ran this campaign with the generous aid of City Parks who provided plastic bags for us, the water division who supplied about 15 people and a truck, Pikitup who generously provided a skip, 100 latex gloves and a over a hundred plastic bags. We also wish to thank Shoprite in Greymont for facilitating the donation of cool drinks and chips through a supplier.

There was such a spirit of camaraderie working side by side with fellow residents and City Park employees, getting to know each other in light hearted but productive work where everyone got stuck in to pick up litter in the stream and on the banks. It was really a historic day in the life of Greymont where through joint effort that we as residents can say,’ we are proudly “Greymonters”!’ we also say a big thank you for the initiative of Linde Rolf for making 500 car stickers “ I LOVE (A HEART) GREYMONT”. At our next meeting we will be selling them in order to help raise funds for the forum. Can anyone do T –Shirts?

I think we are going to unofficially name the Carel Venter Park – the Greymont Park from now on. What do you think?

What became abundantly clear is that the stream has to be cleaned on a regular basis. After the storm on Saturday night the banks of the stream was full of litter again. The main problem is that all storm water drains lead directly into the stream from either side of Greymont. Any litter, rubbish lying in the streets of Greymont gets washed away and eventually finds its way into the stream.

Please residents when you go or come out of your homes every day please pick up any litter in front of your property/ pavement and in the road. It helps to keep Greymont neat and tidy as well as keeping our little stream in the Greymont Park a little less littered!

Thanks once again for your continued support and commitment to Greymont. Let us continue to make Greymont great once more!

Kind  Regards


Park Clean up

Well, a huge thanks to all that contributed to the park clean up. We had such a great turn out everyone really did put there heart into it and thanks for that. I think you can really see the difference already and hopefully further efforts in the future will shape our area to be one of the best places to live.

A huge thank you to City Parks and Pickit up with there contribution, it's so nice to see the community work hand in hand with there organisations.

Greymont Stickers

Hi Greymonters

These stickers will be on sale to raise funds for the area we will discuss them at the next meeting.

Please support all initiatives in the area.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

The meeting that hit the spot

Hi Greymonters

Thanks to all the interested people that attended the meeting on Monday (About 70). We think its a great start and would love to see more people join, so if you can suggest it to your neighbours for the next meeting on the first Monday in April.

We will be attending to the issues brought up in the last meeting and if you have any issues to deal with please post them or ideally send a mail to Clive for now.

He have a problem with a guy living in the park he sits every day buy the back of the houses 5th street side and most of the time wears head phones, if you see him report him to the police.

We will get on them ASAP.

I regard to the park, please keep an eye out for people dumping as the waterfall dump has been closed down, people seem to think our park is the next best spot.

Also consider joining the Greymont patrols headed by Roland even if you are with another reaction unit you can contribute to the car that drives around the area all day. They really do Patrol I count seeing that car up to Five times a day in the area. I think he charges R245 per month for the patrols and last I checked his reaction fee is up to R400 but that could have changed. The Number is 011 042 8701, We hope to get him more involved in watching the park as soon as we have sorted out booms etc.

Monday 5 March 2012

Residents forum meeting

Hi greymonters

Please remember that tonight is the residents forum meeting at the NG Kerk, please come and take part in the rejuvenation of your area.

We don't want to live in a dump but because local government can't do all the work it takes a community to get behind progress.

Also as published in the Northcliff Melville times we will be doing a massive park clean up on the 10 March from 8 to 11am so please take part. We will be meeting on the Cnr of 5th street and 1st road, hope to see you all there.

If you can't please try fill a bag when you get a chance.