Sunday 29 April 2012

Communes try to open in area

Hi Greymonters, it's come to our attention that a commune request has started through the legal route. We would like you feed back on this, we will also be coming around shortly with a petition to stop the first request as the residents around this particular house are against the proposal. A little info on communes, in first world countries they aren't such a bad thing because bylaws are normally adhered to and are enforced but in South Africa generally this is not the case. Communes normally host students or young adults for temporary period which result in a few problems, noise being a very common issue then foot traffic in the area increases often followed by noisy conversations and as you know most Greymont houses are right next to these roads and you hear everything, also house overcrowding becomes a huge issue as they start the process with the right amount of people then once they have the go ahead they start filling these houses up as people pay per person not per room in the end. Because the tenants are temporary and don't have a invested interest in the area and it's infrastructure the tend not to contribute to there surroundings and have a no care attitude. You will note a increase in house parties and a decease in house maintenance ending in area decay. Litter and house waste also drastically increase, Even a increase in crime in some situations. These commune trends have happened in areas like Brixton, Melville, and recently Westdene. Normally communes start in areas Close to universities and as our area does not fall in the area of a university I feel there are no grounds for such requests. To upgrade our area we need to focus on houses being sold not leased (if they are to single families) and invite people to take a personal investment approach in the area. Let's create a great area! These issues may not happen with one commune in the area but these communes tend to have a snow ball effect as they make a lot of money for there investors who by the way would have an issue with them if the opened in their area Which they reside. Imagine someone opening one in saxonworld it wouldn't happen so why should we let them happen here. Again these are just view so please comment.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Pond clean Up

Hi Greymonters

We had our pond clean up the past weekend, and managed to do quite a bit with our limited means. We have cut dead and drooping branches off trees, they where contributing to the leaf and stick problem in the dam, these leaves and sticks break down and become sediment in the pond which kills the oxygen and then no life can happen in the dam, only frogs and turtles which don't rely on the waters oxygen, we removed a lot of the vegetation which is over growing in the pond and we realized that its a large job and will have to be done over time. Autumn and winter is the best time to do this because of the slow growth so we would like to do more next month if you can help. Photos so far please see this area as a work in progress for the next few months....

Monday 9 April 2012

Recycle bags

Hi Greymonters

Clive has bags, orange and White should you need for recylcing.


These pics were taken some time ago by a resident, the show the kind of dumping that happens in the area, and the importance of booms in the parks. Please keep an eye out for people like this mand report them to Roland or Sofiatown Police station.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Garden sites for dumping

Herewith the COJ’s call centre’s number for all complaints :

(011) 375 5555, RESIDENTS can take the Pikitup option for all refuse related queries. 

Also list of alternative Garden Sites:  Operating times:  8h00 – 17h00 (Monday – Sunday, including Public Holidays)
Residents can of load all their garden waste, and recyclable material AT NO COST.

·         Victory Park Garden Site                                               Victory Rd, Greenside
·         Fairlands Garden site                                                     Fifth Ave, Fairlands
·         Ashanti Garden Site                                                        Ashanti Rd, Crossby
·         Bellona Garden Site                                                        Bellona Street, Mayfair
·         Disa Garden Site                                                               Disa Rd, Riverlea Ext 2
·         Babiana Garden Site                                                       Babiana Rd, Riverlea Ext 2
·         Ashburton Garden Site                                                 Ashburton Rd, Riverlea

Monday 2 April 2012

Photos of park over the years

Hi Greymonters

Below are pictures of the park over the last few years please 
note that some are old and it shows the decay of the lower part 
of the river in recent months. It also shows that the car Problem from
 years ago is still a problem today as there are often cars entering the
park which will be addressed soon via new Booms that are due to
 be installed please respect them once they have been installed and don't damage them.

It also shows the grass and how short it used to be back in the day of  correct money allocation.