Thursday 31 May 2012

Subs and Signs

Price is R40.00 each or free for each person who has paid up subs for the year.

Please can you contribute to the Forum, i'm sure you can see the differences in the area already and this is just the beginning. With more funding we can do so much more, without the aid of the city.

The subs are R50 a month (the price of a Hamburger these days) or R500 a year what a deal.

We welcome any suggestions on what you would like to see in the area.


Hi Greymonters

These are our new Sector 3 Executive Members, please help them in any way to cure the crime infection in our country and area, it's time to stand up and be bold against whats not right and to start correcting our decaying society.

When you see a problem report it and make a stand.

Good Luck crime Fighters you get a super hero Welcome.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Crash Boom Bang

Hi Greymonters

We had a speed demon show us how it's done this weekend. That's how to crash I mean, please tell people around you to take care we live with uneducated people around us and they seem to be still learning about  the laws of gravity and breaking distance.

Question of the day: why is it that people that drive fast and make the biggest noise with there cars drive the cheapest little runarounds and think they are sports cars, are they compensating for something?

Anyway be safe.

Pictures from one of our residents, thanks for them.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Picnic and New sign Boards

Hi Greymonters

Some Pics of whats happening in the area.


Greymont village

We have such a great area all it needs is a revamp so use this winter to upgrade your homes and maintain them, its amazing what paint does. Have a look at this site to get idea's on making your homes great.

If you can also point out to us homes that are in disrepair so we can find out why. Remember that we are trying to create the best area in Johannesburg so lets get going and start doing. This will encourage higher home prices as the area becomes more sought after.


Hi Greymonters

We had our CPF meeting last night and it was very nice to see the police taking a interest  in the "village" they are to be congratulated on their efforts. They have acquired two new quad bikes to start patrolling the parks dealing with vagrants and drug dealing in the parks,  which is welcome.

So please double check if it's a police bike in the park before calling the police to have the quad removed, they will be in uniform and the bikes are red with police markings.


Thursday 10 May 2012


Hi Greymonters

Please join us for a small bring and braai this Saturday between 11 and 2 on 5th street side in the Carel Venter park, instead of a meeting this month we hope to get to know each other even if it's just to say "Hi".

We will have a Braai going if you wish to bring some meat.

We also have some signs for residents to buy to show their support as a fund raiser, they are R40 each but the funds will be well used.

Hope to see you there.

Saturday 5 May 2012

New Signs in Greymont

Hi greymonters We have placed 3 signs so far in the area for direct communication with our residents, so please keep an eye out for the latest news. Lets create a awesome place to live.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Carel Venter Park Picnic 12 MAY 2012

Residents please join us in the Carel Venter park for a bring and braai picnic on the 12 May, i'm not sure on the times yet but there will be a post, All resident of Greymont are most welcome. Our hope is that we all get to meet one another and unite together for a better area to live in.

We can use this time to chat about your vision in the area. what what are the immediate needs for the area.

Please bring you own cool drinks and meat if you with to braai.

Also just a reminder on the bank account to use your name as reference or house address if you deposit money for our ledger of funds, remember it is completely transparent forum.

Resident Feed back Welcome

Hi Greymonters

We received a nice comment from a resident who is concerned about the communes popping up around the area.

 I totally agree with you and would be more than happy to sign the petition.  The property in question is already an eye sore and more people and traffic on the property will just contribute to further deterioration on that corner. The owner does nothing to uplift our community and area.  In fact that property has just deteriorated in the last year or so.  No attempt has been made to improve it at all.  I am thus totally against it legally becoming a Commune. 

I can already see a change in our suburb over the last few months due to all the work done.  We must thus be vigilant and not allow unwelcome elements to undo all the work done.  The Forum has my total support on this one!
